The Peninsula of Baja California is divided in five faunistic districts of which one is located in South Baja California and the other four are distributed in the State of Baja California

District of San Pedro Martir

Is a narrow belt that includes the mountain ranges of Juárez and San Pedro Martyr, 1.200 km in the western side, and 1.400 to 1.500 km in the Eastern slope. It limits the north with the United States of America and arrives at the height of the Rosary. Some species characteristic of this district are: Wild lamb, Deer White tail, Mousy Eagle or Red Hawk Tail, Puma, and gray Vixen.

District of San Pedro Martir

It covers the South part of the State, limits the North with the District San Dieguense and the District of the Colorado Dessert. By the Pacifico extends towards the South in form of wedge, finishing in Santo Domingo End, in South Baja California. The granite extension is characteristic of the zone, in addition to the volcanic plain of the area of East Calmallí district is distinguished by the extraordinary development of the desert vegetation. Some species of this district are: Cat I mount and Cimarron Lamb.

District San Dieguense

It occupies Northwest part of the Baja California, and represents an extension of the south of California. Goes from sea level until 1.200 km contiguous with the Mountain range of Juárez and to 1.400 km with the mountain range of San Pedro, to continue to the south to the stream of El Rosar

District of the Colorado Desert

It cover the Northwest part with Baja California, between the level of the sea and an altitude of 1.400 km. In the border with the Mountain range of Juárez, and 1.700 km.
On the South ends with Bahia de Los Angeles, from Matomí and Punta San Fermín towards the South and extends like one narrow strip, towards the East of the mountainous chain, compares to the coast. Towards the West, the south of San Pedro Martir limits with the District San Dieguense. Its North part occupies the Plain of the Delta and the plains of the Colorado river. Some of the species of this district are: Quail, Cimarron Lamb, Bats and rabbits.